Google Analytics

$ 550 CAD

Add Google Analytics to your website in order to better understand your target audience, and be more effective in planning your website content, layouts, digital marketing, and overall strategy.

We will connect Google Analytics 4 to your Standard or E-commerce website and provide monthly Analytics monitoring. Includes:

- Monthly Analytics Report & Review

- Up to 2 hours of site updates & optimization per month based on reports

What To Expect

Data analytics is about a lot more than keeping track of how many people visit your website. Effective analytics can help your business make better decisions by providing insights into customer behaviour and trends. By analyzing how users are interacting with your website on an ongoing basis, you can better understand what is, and is not working, and make changes to your content, layouts, and strategy accordingly.

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Ph. (214) 444-3348

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Ph. +32 16 79 78 56

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