E-mail Marketing

$ 1,000 CAD

Leverage your e-mail marketing to generate sales, increase customer engagement, get new customers, create brand awareness and more.

E-mail Marketing Setup

1 Welcome Series E-mail

1 Abandoned Cart E-mail

1 Post Purchase E-mail

2 Campaign Emails/Month

2 Design Revision Included Per E-mail

*3 month minimum commitment required

What To Expect

We work with you to create an e-mail marketing strategy for your business, which we then use to create the design and copy for each marketing e-mail you need to engage with your customers.

Welcome Series: A welcome email series is a sequence of emails you automatically send people after they sign up for your email list. The moment after an opt-in is when your new subscriber is most excited. That makes a welcome email series your best chance to introduce yourself, show people how you can help—and even make a sale.

Abandoned Cart: An abandoned cart email is an email sent to customers who have added products to their shopping cart but failed to check out. The email acts as a friendly reminder for people who may have been distracted and never checked out.

Post Purchase: Post purchase emails are email campaigns or flows that you send after the customer has made a purchase. The purpose of these emails is to thank the customer for their purchase, provide them with information about their order, and give them information on how to use their product.

Campaign Emails: An email marketing campaign is a coordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period of time with one specific purpose. These specific purposes or calls-to-action (CTAs) can include sign up for a webinar, making a purchase and more.

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